Everything is an Opportunity

Today on the podcast, Dr. Cindra shares with us how to find the opportunity in everything. We can find the opportunity in the difficulties we have experienced in the past, current struggles, or events in the future. When we see the difficulty as happening for us, we grow and learn, feel in control, and create more powerful…

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The 3 Gifts Technique

This week on the podcast we talk about The 3 Gifts Technique. Consider a difficulty you are experiencing right now – the difficulty could be big or small. Then, ask yourself, how can this be a gift? The gift could come from an increased knowledge, power to grow your mental muscle in a new way,…

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A Powerful Strategy to Respond with Purpose

This week on the podcast we share a powerful strategy to help you respond not react. When you respond, you choose thoughtfulness and are guided by logic over emotion. You are intentional with your intentions.  Power Phrase this Week: “I choose to respond with purpose and intention.”  Quote of the Week: “When you react, you…

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How to Have a Short-Term Memory of Mistakes

In this episode, Dr. Cindra Kamphoff talks about how the World’s Best in every field have a short-term memory of their mistakes and a long-term memory of their successes. Moving on quickly after a mistake helps us be confident and become or remain a high performer. You can use the strategy Cindra talks about in…

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