Unleash the Power of the Nervous System for Faster Healing and Optimal Performance with Garrett Salpeter, Founder of NeuFit and The Neubie

Are you dealing with any physical pain in your body? Pain from an injury, an accident, an operation, or some type of physical trauma? If so, you’re likely wondering if there’s a better, faster way to heal. Today, we’re going to talk about that better faster way with our guest, Garrett Salpeter. Garrett is a…

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Embrace Your Potential

Limiting beliefs hold all of us back. They make you feel like you’re not enough in countless ways— smart enough, successful enough, or talented enough. But these are just illusions. When we give into these lies, we fail to embrace our true strengths and value. You must address your limiting beliefs because they hold you…

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How to Bounce Back

You were meant to adapt and adjust. You were meant to be resilient and bounce back. You can get through anything you are going through right now! The key is to intentionally reframe your experience and remember resilience has been part of your history. This Week’s Power Phrase: “I can see the opportunity in every…

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How to Understand Yourself

To reduce overthinking, self-doubt, and fear – our inner limits  – starts with self-awareness. Self-awareness includes understanding yourself, your emotions, and what drives you. Dr. Cindra challenges you this week to notice yourself – how are you feeling, what are you thinking about, and then use the PCR strategy to keep increasing your own awareness…

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How Failure Has Gotten You Where You Are Today

In this week’s 5-minute episode, Dr. Cindra shares that failure is inevitable and when you define failure on your terms, you are able to see failure as an event, not who you are. You are able to keep pushing outside your comfort zone because that is how you learn and grow. Remember you want to…

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Redefining Failure

 On our top-rated podcast, The High Performance Mindset, I’ve had the privilege of interviewing hundreds of experts. One of my favorite questions is to ask them is, “What does failure mean to you?” What’s wild is there’s not one single definition of failure. A best-selling author and a trailblazing pilot each have their own…

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How to Build Teams, Accelerate Growth and Banish Burnout with Annie Hyman Pratt, Executive Consultant, Founder & Author

Annie Hyman Pratt, Founder and CEO of Leading Edge Teams, is an integrative business expert with decades of distinctive experience. She has dedicated her career to providing, trusted, high-level executive consulting and training. Annie develops and leads change regarding a company’s business strategies, leadership, teams, and operations. She is a sought after C-Suite consultant for…

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How to Be an Optimist

In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares the 3Ps of Optimism and how you can use this concept to better your life. She also shared her tool called the Three OPP Strategy to get out of a pessimistic perspective and choose optimism.  This Week’s Power Phrase:  “I choose optimism. I believe the best is yet to…

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