Your Inner Critic

Think about a time that you were in flow. What did your flow zone feel like? What led to that feeling? What were you doing? Why do these particular activities lead to flow for you?

Your inner critic is your disempowering inner voice. We all have an inner critic inside of us. We want to be aware of our inner critic to reduce it. Remember our inner critic tends to lie to us. We want to respond to our inner critic with challenging questions like a judge in a court room and choose a more empowering and truthful statement to tell ourselves instead.

This Week’s Power Phrase: “I talk to myself powerful instead of listening to my inner critic.”

Quote of the Week: “Don’t beat yourself up for beating yourself up. We need to make friends with our inner critic.” Kristen Neff


“I talk to myself powerful instead of listening to my inner critic.”  @Mentally_Strong
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Don’t beat yourself up for beating yourself up. We need to make friends with our inner critic.” Kristen Neff @Mentally_Strong
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