Mentally Strong
Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap
In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares why we experience compassion and how to break free from it. Power Phrase of the Week: “I focus on my own journey and growth. I celebrate my progress.” Quote of the Week: “A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.” –…
Read More4 Fear Facts
The World’s Best choose courage instead of fear. They feel the fear, but don’t let it keep them from doing what they want to, have to, or were designed to do. Power Phrase of the Week: “I embrace my fear and choose courage.” Quote of the Week: “Risk more than others think is safe. Dream…
Read MoreWhat Do You Want in 2025?
New beginnings – like New Years Day, your birthday or even Mondays – are a great time to restart. That is why people like to set resolutions or goals at the beginning of the year. You are extra motivated to turn the page and reset. But, in general, we want to set goals this year…
Read More3 Ways to Embrace a Challenge
High performers see stressful situations as a challenge they can overcome instead of a threat to their performance or confidence. This improves their health and their performance. They remember it’s all about our perception of a situation and they talk to themselves powerful when experiencing stress – reminding themselves they can handle anything. Power Phrase…
Read MoreHow to Go After Big Goals in 2025
High performers set goals and they consider who they can become in the process. They get clear on what they want and reflect on their wishes and dreams. They write their goals down and keep them in mind during the year. Power Phrase of the Week: “I am committed to myself, my goals, and my dreams.”…
Read MoreAn Attitude of Gratitude
Regularly practicing gratitude is powerful because it has a lasting impact when doing it regularly. Gratitude is connected to better health, more optimism and resilience. Remember, you can shift your focus at any time to what is good and what you are gratitude for in the situation. Choose to take the perspective of a resilient…
Read MoreHow the Best Handle Adversity
In this episode, Dr. Cindra shares how the world’s best seeing adversity as happening for them, not to them. Adversity helps you grow into the person you are supposed to become to reach your goals and step into your dreams. Everything magnificent that you’ve likely accomplished required or even perhaps demanded difficulty, struggle, and grit.…
Read MoreHow to Talk to Yourself Even More Powerfully
In this episode, Dr. Cindra shares how pre-planned, specific thoughts can address your negative thinking. She also shares the 3 Ps to give yourself an even better chance to be your best today. This Week’s Power Phrase: “I choose powerful, possibility-oriented, and positive thoughts to keep me at my best.” Quote of the Week: “Positive thinking…
Read MoreThe Power of Your Focus
Our focus determines our feelings. If you want to change how you feel, you can change your focus. Your focus is like a mental spotlight. Your attention is always on something; it’s not really ever lost. You can choose to shine your focus on what helps you at any given moment. Power Phrase This Week:…
Read MoreWhy You Need to Dream About Your Future
Your goals and dreams should be just a little scary – meaning a little outside your comfort zone because when you dream big, you grow into who you can become. Most people dream too small or lose the ability to dream because of limiting beliefs or listening to other people’s disbelief. Make dreaming for a…
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