The Power of Grit

In this episode, we talk about the Power of Grit at an individual level and organization level. Grit can be developed at the organizational level of your business. To build a gritty team, start by selecting and hiring gritty people and developing the grit of the people you already have. Gritty organizations have the same traits as gritty people: they are clear about their goals, keep their purpose front and center, choose positive and empowering energy, are compassionate with one another and themselves, have a desire to work hard, and persevere despite adversity and setbacks.

Quote of the Week: “Grit is having the courage to push through no matter what the obstacles are because it’s worth it.” Chris Morris 

This Week’s Power Phrase: “I am gritty. I am passionate and have a clear vision of the life I am building.” 

“I am gritty. I am passionate and have a clear vision of the life I am building.” @Mentally_Strong
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“Grit is having the courage to push through no matter what the obstacles are because it’s worth it.” – Chris Morris @Mentally_Strong
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