More Ways to Multiply Your Confidence

“Experience tells you what to do. Confidence allows you to do it.” —Stan Smith 

Confidence is belief and trust in your ability. It is your certainty that you will be successful. Having skills and talent is not enough; we have to believe in our skills in order to use them to the best of our ability. In our last episode, we talked about 3 ways to build confidence: 1. Make a Decision, 2. Remind Yourself of Your Accomplishments, and 3: Put on Your Confidence Armor. We are talking about 4 more ways to build confidence today. 

 Power Phrase this Week: “I choose confidence. I choose to nurture my confidence to be my best for myself and my team.”

“I choose confidence. I choose to nurture my confidence to be my best for myself and my team. @Mentally_Strong
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“Experience tells us what to do. Confidence allows us to do it.” -Stan Smith @Mentally_Strong
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