How to Bounce Back

You were meant to adapt and adjust. You were meant to be resilient and bounce back. You can get through anything you are going through right now! The key is to intentionally reframe your experience and remember resilience has been part of your history. This Week’s Power Phrase: “I can see the opportunity in every…

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3 Ways to Be Your Best

Leading yourself can be very difficult because our brain is hardwired to see what is missing. Instead, you can lead yourself to your own personal vision by remembering: What you think about yourself, you become. Thoughts only have power if you believe them. You can act independent of how you feel. Chance thinking doesn’t lead…

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QTIP: Quit Taking It Personally

Today on the podcast we talk about not taking things personally. When you decide to protect yourself and not take things personally, you avoid needless suffering. You cannot be hurt by others. Your anger, irritation, jealousy, frustration, and conflicts with others lessen. You are happier and at your best more often. Now, does that sound…

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Finding Your Reserve Tank

“When your brain says that you’re done, you’re only 40 percent done.” —David Goggins, Navy SEAL and ultramarathoner  Remember the following this week: when I feel like giving in or giving up, I’ll remember the 40 percent rule and how much more I have to give—perhaps up to 60 percent more! When I feel emotional…

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Choosing Courage Daily

  “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than the fear.” Franklin D. Roosevelt  High performers choose courage instead of comfort. To choose courage over comfort, consider what you can do TODAY that is uncomfortable. Courage is a muscle – the more you use it,…

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The Three Thieves of Our Potential

“Beware of the thief in your mind that’s after your promise and purpose.” Jim Rohn  Think of your inner limits like thieves in your mind. The thieves take away your power, motivation, and a connection to your purpose. Your thieves are inner limits. Today we are going to talk about three – the three biggest…

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Become an Observer of Your Thoughts

Think of your mind as having two parts: the observer mind and the thinking mind. The thinking mind is the monkey mind going from thought to thought to thought. In this episode, Dr. Cindra talks about how to thoughts to be your best more often. Quote of the Week: “Observe your thoughts and actions so…

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3 Mindsets that Separate the Best from the Rest with Dr. Alex Auerbach, Director of Wellness and Development, Toronto Raptors

Dr. Alex Auerbach is the Director of Wellness and Development for the Toronto Raptors. He joined the Toronto Raptors after serving as the Director of Clinical and Sport Psychology for the University of Arizona. Dr. Auerbach has worked with NCAA Division-I schools in the Pac-12, ACC, Big 12, and Conference USA.Dr. Auerbach earned his doctoral…

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The Keys to High Performance with Dr. Doug Gardner, ThinkSport Consulting Services

Dr. Doug Gardner has spent twenty-four years working with athletes, coaches, executives and organizations throughout the athletic and performance spectrum. Doug brings on-the-ground experience, in addition to a theory-to-practice common sense approach to improvement in preparation and performance of both the person and the player. Doug is a respected member in the industry of Applied…

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