Choose Gratitude Over Fear

“The secret to having it all is knowing you already do.” Anonymous
During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, to reduce your anxiety and fear, choose practicing gratitude each day. It is impossible to feel fear at the same time you feel gratitude. Use one of the 5 gratitude-focusing questions to help you shift your focus because your focus determines your feelings:
- What can I be thankful for?
- What’s the opportunity here?
- What am I happy about right now?
- What is going right in my life?
- What is awesome about my family?
It is more important than ever to train your mind each day.
My Power Phrase This Week: “I choose to intentionally practice gratitude today. I focus on what I am grateful for to reduce my fear and anxiety.”
” It is impossible to feel fear at the same time you feel gratitude.” – @Mentally_Strong Tweet Quote