Choose a Growth Mindset

This week on the podcast, we talk about various ways to adopt a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset. When we adopt a growth mindset, we see challenges as exciting and find optimistic ways of explaining adversity. A growth mindset has been linked to achievement, more happiness, healthier relationships, and a higher motivation. “Quote of the Week:…

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What Do You Want in 2023?

In this episode, we encourage you to think about what you really want in 2023. High performers set goals because it gives them direction and focus. They write their goals down. They follow through with their goals and keep them in mind during the year. They write down the steps to reach their goals, and…

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How to Release Negativity

Our negativity bias keeps us safe, yet it can prevent us from leading ourselves and others, forming relationships, and taking risks in the pursuit of our dreams. In this episode, we talk about why we have the negativity bias, and how we can handle negativity from others. Power Phrase of the Week: “ I level…

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Gratitude is a Choice

Gratitude is connected to better health, more optimism, and an increased in resiliency. This week you could start using a scientifically proven tool to increase your gratitude. Three tools we discussed are starting your day with gratitude, using gratitude language, or trying the Grateful Flow exercise.  This Week’s Power Phrase: “I choose to intentionally practice…

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How to Master Your Emotions

Your mindset drives everything – how you live, the stress you feel, and how you lead. Remember all of your emotions are valuable –emotions are not good or bad. By labeling your emotions, you can understand what led to that feeling with curiosity and openness.  Power Phrase of the Week: “I respond with purpose and…

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4 Ways to Level Up Your Self-Talk

Today we are talking about 4 mental strategies that allow you to remain optimistic and see life with a clear lens. Why is this important? Because the future of your career and life is directly tied to your expectations and the ability to see the opportunity in the difficulty.  This Week’s Power Phrase: “I level up…

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Say Hello to Fear

 Dale Carnegie said it best, “Fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”  The World’s Best choose courage instead of fear. They feel the fear, but don’t let it keep them from doing what they want to, have to, or were designed to do. High performers know that when they feel fear, it means they…

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3 Ways to Lead With Positive Energy

In this episode, Cindra shares how high performers choose positive energy because it makes them and others around them better. They do this by focusing on what they have, not what is missing. They choose to develop a positive culture at work and with their team. And they prime themselves with powerful emotions to start your…

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Finding Your Reserve Tank

“When your brain says that you’re done, you’re only 40 percent done.” —David Goggins, Navy SEAL and ultramarathoner  Remember the following this week: when I feel like giving in or giving up, I’ll remember the 40 percent rule and how much more I have to give—perhaps up to 60 percent more! When I feel emotional…

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Choosing Courage Daily

  “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than the fear.” Franklin D. Roosevelt  High performers choose courage instead of comfort. To choose courage over comfort, consider what you can do TODAY that is uncomfortable. Courage is a muscle – the more you use it,…

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