Posts Tagged ‘Powerful thinking’
Why You Need to Dream About Your Future
Your goals and dreams should be just a little scary – meaning a little outside your comfort zone because when you dream big, you grow into who you can become. Most people dream too small or lose the ability to dream because of limiting beliefs or listening to other people’s disbelief. Make dreaming for a…
Read MoreHow to Change Your Perception
High performers use reframing daily. They don’t ignore the difficulty, but instead see a different perspective and see how the obstacle is helping them. This helps them intentionally choose the story they tell. Power Phrase this Week: “I see a setback as a comeback.” Quote of the Week: “If you change the way you look…
Read More3 Powerful Thought Principles
As humans, we have a negativity bias. We pay attention to negative information more often than positive information. Our negativity bias keeps us safe, yet it can prevent us from leading ourselves and others, forming relationships, and taking risks in the pursuit of our dreams. In this episode, Dr. Cindra talks about why we have…
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