How to Be an Optimist

In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares the 3Ps of Optimism and how you can use this concept to better your life. She also shared her tool called the Three OPP Strategy to get out of a pessimistic perspective and choose optimism.  This Week’s Power Phrase:  “I choose optimism. I believe the best is yet to…

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Choose Your Friends Wisely

In this episode, Cindra talks about how you can’t be exceptional on your own. You need support and a crew of like-minded superstars who believe in your vision and push you to be the very best version of yourself. In this episode, we talk about how the world’s best know that their friends can either…

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The Power of Optimism

In this episode, Cindra talks about the power and benefits of optimism. She also describes a strategy to help us choose optimism called the Three OPP Strategy. The Three OPP Strategy helps you look at the glass as half-full, not half-empty, and continue to see the opportunities in the difficulties, setbacks, and adversity.   This Week’s Power…

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Choose a Growth Mindset

This week on the podcast, we talk about various ways to adopt a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset. When we adopt a growth mindset, we see challenges as exciting and find optimistic ways of explaining adversity. A growth mindset has been linked to achievement, more happiness, healthier relationships, and a higher motivation. “Quote of the Week:…

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