Stay Present and Mindful with Dr. Michael Gervais, High-Performance Psychologist

Dr. Michael Gervais is a high-performance psychologist working with some of the best in the world, training the mindset skills and practices essential to pursuing and revealing one’s potential. His clients include world record holders, Olympians, internationally acclaimed artists and musicians, MVPs from every major sport and Fortune 100 CEOs.

Dr. Gervais is also the co-founder of Compete to Create, a joint venture with Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll, which has built a framework to enhance high-performance cultures by focusing on mindset training for individuals. More than 30,000 employees from across Microsoft and AT&T have completed the High-Performance Mindset Training Course.

A published, peer-reviewed author and recognized speaker on optimal human performance, Dr. Gervais has been featured by CNN, The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, NBC, NFL Network, Red Bull TV, Extra, The Huffington Post, Outside Magazine and others.

He is also the host of Finding Mastery, a podcast that takes you inside the rugged and high-stakes environments of those on the path of mastery to explore how they train minds to be at their very best. Gervais unpacks and decodes each guest’s journey, psychological framework and mindset skills and practices. 

Dr. Gervais received his undergraduate degree from Loyola Marymount University. He completed his Ph.D. while studying under Dr. Bruce Ogilvie, at San Diego University, Integrative Studies.

In this podcast, Cindra and Mike talk:

  • The journey Cindra went on after hearing Mike keynote in September
  • Strategies to deal with changes and adversity
  • What to do with the excessive anxiety we may feel right now
  • How to care less about what other people think
  • What mastery is to him
  • Why we need to live on the edge between vulnerability and courage each day
  • Lessons he has learned from some of the best athletes and coaches in the world

To learn more about Michael’s work, visit here.

To follow Michael’s podcast, visit here.

To join Cindra’s webinar, visit here.

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“Self-discovery is sitting with yourself and non-critically and non-judgmentally just observing and learning.” -@MichealGervais
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“I think that the number one fear for most of us is the fear of other people’s opinions and it’s the fear of judgment, critique and what would happen if we didn’t measure up to the community or to the person. Because of that we play it safe, we play it small, we play it in ways to fit in rather than to be authentic.” -@MichealGervais
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“Mastery of self is really about self-discovery and the tools to authentically express yourself. It’s about understanding the space between the spaces. It’s the nuances of who you are as opposed to…” -@MichealGervais 
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“Mastery is the unfolding goal of learning.” -@MichealGervais
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“So I think the strongest humans are the ones that the external does not dictate the internal but the internal dictates how they influence the external.” -@MichealGervais
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“What keeps me from the present moment is the unconditioned nature of my mind. The inability to manage, perceive the real risk. That’s why I start with the mind so that I can be in the present moment.” -@MichealGervais
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