Own the Room When Speaking with Deirdre Van Nest, International Speaker & Creator of the Crazy Good Talks Blueprint

Deirdre Van Nest is the go-to expert on the topic of speaking to groups. She is the creator of the Crazy Good Talks® Blueprint, a system that teaches financial advisors, leaders and sales pros how to bring in business faster and impact more lives through the power of speaking. She is the host of Crazy Good Talks® TV and is called upon for interviews on podcasts and TV talk shows.
Deirdre is an international speaker and trainer, a Certified World Class Speaking™ Coach, a Certified Fearless Living Coach, a contributing author of the Amazon bestseller World Class Speaking™ in Action and author of “Fire Your Fear™.”
Deirdre is an Italian/Irish New Yorker living in Minneapolis where she tries hard not to scare people with her loud voice and enthusiastic hand gestures.
In this podcast, Deirdre and Cindra talk:
· What is a “Crazy Good Talk”
· How to stand out and own the room EVERY TIME you speak
· The barriers to own the room
· How to overcome fear and self-doubt when speaking
· A formula for telling a good story You can find Deidre at https://crazygoodtalks.com/. HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE: www.cindrakamphoff.com/dierdre
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“I’ve had to learn to have this relationship with failure that’s okay, I’ve realized it’s a way to learn and actually get better and it’s probably the best way I can actually be useful to other people.” -@DeidreVanNest Tweet Quote