How You Can Become a Tide Turner with Cardiff D. Hall, Author, Speaker and Coach
Cardiff D. Hall has a passion for life and helps individuals transform their self being so they reach and sustain achievement. He is a relentless optimist and has over 25 years of experience in marketing and sales.
Cardiff’s book Tide Turners – The Practical Guide To Help You Feel In Control, Experience More Joy and Sustain Achievement In Life earned a #1 new release on Amazon in January 2017. He coaches individuals who seek to achieve and delivers weekly inspiration and practical advice in his Tide Turners newsletter.
In this interview, Cardiff discusses:
– Why you need to become a tide turner
– How tide turners approach failure
– What tide turners do when they experience massive adversity
– The 6 ports we can live in
– The “one-day syndrome”
– How to use fear to give you strength
-The 4 Cs of Confidence
For the High Performance Mindset listeners, Cardiff is providing a FREE copy of his #1 New Release, Tide Turners: The Practical Guide To Help You Feel In Control, Experience More Joy and Sustain Achievement In Life at
You can find more information about Cardiff visit: and find him on Twitter @cardiffdhall.